Bees withdraw from the inquiry

Last updated : 15 September 2004 By Bm91

Whilst the club appreciate that these plans represent only a short to medium term solution, if an agreement could be reached that would allow the club to progress towards its league ambitions, without the need for more costly battles with our council, then this avenue needed to be fully explored.

The club had offered to withdraw from the inquiry if these talks could be progressed. Unfortunately the cogs of our council turn very slowly. It was thought that a common sense approach would be to postpone the inquiry, as it was fast approaching, in order that the expanded Underhill plan could be fully explored. Unfortunately Barnet Council and BRASS would not agree to a postponement.

Yesterday saw the opening of the Public Inquiry, with the club and the KBA putting forward their case for an adjournment on a number of grounds. One of the grounds being the council's evidence appeared to support the plan L saying "&would be satisfactory in all aspects ...."

After much deliberation and legal argument, the Inspector granted an adjournment. However, the adjournment was only granted until Friday September 17th - too short a time to make any headway into the alternative plans.

Barnet Football Club and the KBA would like to thank those fans and residents who have written to the Inspector expressing their support for Barnet FC and the KBA.